Boatyards, Yacthclubs and SHIPYARDS with slipways or boat LIFTS have the option of upgrading the cabled LIFTS, cradle and winch system to a cable-less, more flexible, safe, fast system that optimise the time and quantity of SHIPs it can handle. The DOCKLEV™ has been designed with the operating philosophy of a Leveller thus the name Docking and Leveller instead of primarily as a Lifter. Safety, speed and short payback period on investment, are primary design objectives.
Safety Features
DOCKING/launching under 30 minutes, optimise use of Slipway
Optimises manoeuvrability allowing locating of vessels to nooks and corners
Variable Beam
Variable Height
Optimise use of real estates
REMOTE controlled - one man operation
Remote Control
The remote control ensures ease of operation and the highest level of safety.
• 50 m Operating radius
• One man operation
• Customise surveillance monitoring
•No man onboard
• Two level Alarm : alert and danger - Incline angle
- Incline angle
- Transverse angle
- Platform level
• Engine cut off at low hydraulic oil • COG position
• Redundancy of control • Levelling and lifting in water
• Traction only when Level • Reserve power
• Auto brake engagement on stopping
•Adjustable Inflatable Airbags